Pinnacle Recovery

Our Blog

31 January

What Are Hidden Signs of Depression?

Like many mental health disorders, depression may not always be easy to recognize in a loved one or yourself. And unlike acute injuries such as a broken bone, depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Recognizing the hidden signs of depression early, however, and finding appropriate support to mitigate […]


13 January

Why is Addiction so Hard to Overcome?

Data released by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) for 2021 revealed that 16.5% of the U.S. population (more than 46 million people) met the criteria for having a substance use disorder (SUD), also called addiction, in the past year. Of those 46 million people, the data further classified 29.5 million people as […]


1 January

What is the Connection Between Social Anxiety and Alcoholism?

The connection between social anxiety and alcoholism is more significant than many people realize. One study found that 20% of people treated for alcohol use disorder (AUD) and 15% of people treated for social anxiety disorder have both disorders. Social anxiety and alcoholism are some of the more common co-occurring disorders (a term for when […]