Pinnacle Recovery

How to Find Your Passion When You Are Depressed

Trying to find your passion when you are depressed can feel a little like trying to chase the wind. You know your passion is there, but it is elusive and not as fulfilling as you know it can be. It is easy to feel disconnected from the things you love to do when you are depressed, and regaining your passion can feel daunting. This blog will explain the impact of depression on our passions, provide a few practical tips for reconnecting with your passion, and share a few examples of inspiration.

What is the Impact of Depression on Passions?

If you have ever felt depressed, you are not alone–in 2021, more than 8% of adults had at least one major depressive episode. Depression is a serious mood disorder that causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities. It has multiple names including major depression, major depressive disorder, clinical depression, and even anhedonia, defined by the National Library of Medicine as “an inability to feel joy or pleasure from any experience that is usually found to be pleasurable by the individual. This applies to any of the senses, e.g., taste, smell, and sound. Food may no longer be tasty, or a musical experience may no longer be enjoyable.” 

The National Institute of Mental Health lists several major symptoms of depression, including loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities, and fatigue.

In short, depression can absolutely have a negative impact on your passions. 

Tips to Reconnect with Your Passions

Doing things you love has been connected to better mental health outcomes, and it doesn’t need to take a ton of time. Here are some things you can try to find your passion when you are depressed.

It’s Okay to Start Small 

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) recommends “low-stress” hobbies as one way to provide good self-care, which will lower your risk of illness and increase your energy levels. Consider engaging in hobbies for short periods, even as little as 10 minutes can have a positive impact.

Have Patience with Yourself

Try to avoid putting pressure on yourself to feel accomplished or overly passionate about your activities. If you are a skilled musician who used to play regularly, try to focus less on perfection and more on the simple enjoyment of playing. If you’re taking up a new hobby, give yourself a lot of grace and remember it’s the doing that matters, not so much the outcome.

Spend Time Thinking about Past Interests

You might be in a space where it has been so long since you’ve spent time on your passions that you’ve forgotten what they are. Reminiscing about what you used to do or have always wanted to learn might set you on the right path. Looking at old photos, journaling, and asking friends and family for their ideas might also help.

Small efforts with low-stress hobbies have the potential to blossom into longer and more enjoyable moments. This could help you reconnect with your inner self and remind you of the joy you experienced prior to feelings of depression.

A Few Stories of Inspiration

J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, has shared openly about her challenges of depression as a young, single mother in her twenties. During this time she began writing the first book in the Harry Potter series, and the rest is history. Rowling’s story is an example of the potential benefits of using a creative outlet to cope with depression. 

Demi Lovato, the singer, songwriter, and actress, has also been open about her struggles with bipolar disorder and substance use. She has credited music as a great “coping mechanism” during her recovery.

These are two examples of people who found their passions after depression by doing two things almost all of us can try (writing and music).

When to Seek Professional Help

Finding your passion when you are depressed can be really difficult, but taking small steps to rekindle an old passion or discover a new one can be very important to your mental health. If you or a loved one have been experiencing the signs and symptoms of depression and they continue to persist, it may be time to seek professional help. At Pinnacle Detox and Recovery, we offer compassionate, personalized care in a beautiful and peaceful environment. We focus on mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Contact us today to take the next steps towards living your life to the fullest.

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