Pinnacle Recovery



Drug Rehab Center near Silver Lake

Across the United States, one of the most pressing problems with substance abuse centers on illicit drug use, followed by binge drinking. 


Drug overdoses represent a significant risk for those who abuse illicit drugs. Across the Silver Lake area, the rates of hospitalizations, emergency room visits, and overdose related fatalities have risen steadily over the last few years. Over the last ten years, there has been significant increases in the number of people who have died from drug overdoses. A big part of this is that prescription opioids are the third most commonly abused drug in the Silver Lake area. However, counterfeit pills have become increasingly prevalent across the United States and 7 out of 10 counterfeit pills contain lethal doses of fentanyl.


With this increased risk, it is now more important than ever to find the right Silver Lake drug rehab center for treatment.

Let Pinnacle Detox & Recovery provide help today. Call us to discuss our detox and residential programs.


Start Your Recovery

At Pinnacle, we are committed to providing comprehensive care for our clients at every step of their recovery journey. Our addiction treatment program offers a structured and supportive environment that allows our clients to focus on their recovery without distractions.


Pinnacle Detox & Recovery Silver Lake Drug Rehab

If you are considering a residential treatment program, you probably know that residential programs require you to reside full-time at your treatment center. You will be given semi-private rooms with other clients as well as access to all of your meals provided by the center. 


Each day is highly structured and organized with activities that are designed to create a supportive and safe environment where you can turn your attention Inward and reflect on the improvements you want to make in your life.


So what does an average day look like when you attend drug rehab near Silver Lake?

A Typical Day at Our Treatment Center

At our treatment center, you will have a regular wake up time, the same as everyone else. 

In the morning, getting up at the same time helps provide a constant schedule and give you the control you need to encourage good sleep hygiene.


After that you will get breakfast, served by our private chef, taking into account any nutritional requirements you might have like vegetarian meals or vegan meals. Healthy nutrition is the backbone of a healthy day.


From there you can expect a lot of opportunities in the morning for physical activities like exercise, yoga, meditation, and reflection.


The purpose behind this is to get you into a relaxed state of mind. You’ll also participate in things like individual and group therapy sessions throughout the morning and afternoon where you can focus on developing healthy habits that can replace your older ones.


Repetition is essential here in ensuring that your new habits become routine. By repeating the same structured morning, you will be able to replicate that structure in a successful way as soon as you leave our treatment center.

At our treatment center you can expect lunch to be served from the same private chef after which your afternoon will be filled with other activities that focus on the treatment process including things like 12-step programs, group therapy, individual therapy, time for self-reflection and journaling, free time, and other recovery-based activities.


All of our meetings are done in a safe and controlled environment so that you have an opportunity to recognize personal triggers and patterns of behavior that you wish to replace. All of this information can provide you with the coping skills you need to prevent relapse when you leave our facility.


At Pinnacle Detox & Recovery, we focus heavily on cognitive behavioral therapy as one of our primary sources of evidence-based practice. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most effective methods for all addiction treatment. It can help you recognize negative thought patterns that have a detrimental influence on your emotions and your behaviors and replace them with positive ones.

In the evenings you’ll have some designated activities around dinner but also free time for things like homework from your cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, physical activity in the gym, pool, or game room. 

Much the same as setting up good sleep hygiene requires getting up at the same time, you will go to bed around the same time. We will have designated lights out when you and all other clients can wind down for the evening and head to bed.

If you are ready for help, let our team lend a hand. Call us today.

How Long is Drug Rehab Near Silver Lake?

The length of time you stay is highly personalized. Our team will review your options for treatment duration and help you decide which level of care is most appropriate given your initial assessment.

Many people who participate in residential programs find greater success long-term when they participate in lengthier programs, upwards of 90 days. However the majority of programs for inpatient treatment range between 30 days and 90 days.


Contact us today to discuss what treatment duration is best for you at our Silver Lake drug rehab.

How Much is Silver Lake Drug Rehab?

The cost of treatment is contingent on several factors including the length of your stay in the level of care you receive. When you reach out to our team, we will help you verify your insurance coverage and find out which benefits can be applied toward the cost of your care.


Federal Law requires that basic mental health services including substance abuse services be covered by all health care providers.


We can help you by reaching out to your insurance company on your behalf to verify your benefits.


Call our team for insurance verification today and get started with your Silver Lake drug rehab.

Call Pinnacle Detox & Recovery for Addiction Treatment Near Silver Lake

Located just thirty minutes away, those looking for Silver Lake drug rehab can get to Pinnacle Detox & Recovery with the I-5 and 134.    You can get in touch with our administrative team today by calling or emailing us. We are available 24/7 for those in need. When you reach out to our team for help, we can discuss any additional questions you might have about detox or residential therapy, what to expect with our LA-based treatment program, and how to verify your insurance.

Get in Touch
